Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 7


Today I woke up the earliest out of everyone, so I then went on jumped on them all til they awoke so we could do something that we havent done yet.... SHOPPING!!!

yes, cause I am sure that we all definelty need more clothes... After walking to Southbank looking for shops we somehow just ended up eating in some fancy cafe that apparently had a refridgeration issue as none of our drinks were cold, but the food was great so we let it slip!!!

we walked past flinders station back towards the hotel..(after I stopped to take photos of the city from every different angle that I could find)..and went to Federation Square so I could get one of every single brochure that they had.. ( come you need to know all the options!!)..

We dropped Meagan off at home (cause she wimped out) and continued our shopping adventure..

We found the biggest SUPRE you have ever seen in your life... It was huge..picture all the ones in Newcastle then add another level!!!

Tried to buy grog but had an issue with a lady who wouldnt serve me as princess did not have her Id with her.... So we went to a diff shop who served me and didnt even ask for know cause I look so young and all...

We saw three shows ... Jeff Green... Funny F**cker!!! With a kool english accent!!!! Will Anderson... Who couldnt believe that werent more amazed by skpe ( what the??? )...and Ali McGregor's Late-Nite Variety... which had Asher Trevleaven's alter ego Saxon McCallister as her butler... "who is a strpping private dancer".. need we say more!!!! We were in the front row... got a view we will never forget... the special guests were.. Geraldine Quinn ( Hex and the City).. Die Roten Punkte..who were apparetnly a german rock band.. mmmm ok.. then Gypsy Wood who shocked the shit out of me... I cant even write what I saw...then Damien Callinan...

So, of course when we left me and princess were hungry.. (suprise suprise) so went walked home to start making 1am toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches!!! MMMMMMM.... Jealous Much..


karisma said...

Upon your return please report to my house for school! You need some grammar touch ups miss!

Glad you are having fun now that you are finally there!

karisma said...

Ummmmmmm! Heeellllloooooo! Are you all still alive? Did my baby come back from that norty night out already?????

Seriously, the mama is fretting a little up here! Meagan, mummy has been working on your blanket every day and thinking of you with every stitch!

Hehe (my word verification was ASKIPSY- so I am asking, are you ipsy???? or what????)