Messy Loungeroom



Melindas room

Bec on the toilet...

Bec doing some laundry...


Bec and Meagans Room

Balcony (Note: You can't actually see the balcony, thats because its approx. 3 inches wide!)

Four adventurous young girls leave the safety of home to hit the streets of Melbourne for the Comedy Festival!
LOL! I see the princess survived her traumatizing journey on the plane! Well enough to pose for pictures on the machinery anyway! Are we having fun yet? Aside from freezing computers that is! Hugs and smoochies xxxoooxx mwah mwah mwah
PS I miss my baby already, I mean really who goes and cries at the daddy on the first day, of course he is going to tell the mummy and she wants to hug her baby! Blossom doubles hugs to the kids please! You are the stand in mummy now! (Please hug her silly then smack her for being silly!)
PS How come your laptop gets its own bed? Im telling Amy! She is hanging for that bed right now! Watch out! Shes coming!!!!
you can,t make to much mess,they come in every 3 days to clean. they will think you all are slobs.glad to hear your having a good time.
kisses xxxx
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