Today we dragged our arses food shopping. We thought we better just get enough food to do us until Amy arrives next week. $200 later, we were done.
Then we came home and cooked nana spaghetti for lunch...mmmm nana spaghetti..
We then bummed around for another couple of hours then went to see Adam Hills. Funny, funny man! We laughed soooo hard we nearly cried. The title of his show was inflatable, which he dedicated to a friend of his that passed away last year.
"Once upon a time there was an inflatable boy. And he went to an inflatable school where all the students were inflatable, the teachers were inflatable and even the buildings were inflatable. One day he got in trouble for taking a pin to school. The principal called him into his office and said to him 'Son, you've let yourelf down, you've let me down, in fact, you've let the whole school down...'"
Funny.... Anyway he was lovely...and we got a photo
Glad you went shopping for REAL food! I hope you got some fresh fruit and vegies, not just bags of processed crap!
I like Adam Hills too, he is one of the very few comedians I actually recognize. LOL!
Where's Meagans extensions?
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