We arrived out our apartment at about 8.30am. And after we rearranged the furniture and unpacked (Note to Amy: Melinda has claimed ALL of the drawers in your room and does not intend on sharing...sorry), we fell asleep.
We woke up at about 11.30am and went to watch some tv. We lasted at least 10 mins before we went back to bed and slept for another two or three hours.
By the time when we emerged from our room it was 5pm. We went on a search for food and ended up at Subway. Then we headed down to Federation Square to watch The Big Laughout (which was free!).
Our first show was Mark Watson at 7pm. He was very funny and intrigued by the fact that all three of us were wearing hats (It was cold!)
Next we saw Jason Byrne at 9pm. F**ing hilarious! So funny we cried. He told a story of how when he was left minding his children (and 8 yr old and a 2 yr old), he put the 2 yr old to bed so he could watch the football. So the 8 yr old thought it would be funny to go get a massive jar of nutella, take the lid off, and place it in the 2 yr olds cot! When he went to check on the 2 yr old, he found him covered head to toe in nutella! Not wanting to miss the end of his game, but unable to leave him covered in chocolate spread, he decided to put him in the kitchen, let the dogs in, and shut the door.
When his wife came home she praised him for giving the child a bath because he looked so clean!
After Jason Byrne we went to see Ali McGregors Late-Nite Variety Nite Nite. Hosted by Ali McGregor with the help of her butler Saxon McAllister, it was a show consisting of special guests, stand up comedy, music and Strippers!!!
Special guests for the night were;
Deanne Smith (The racist homosexual)
Geraldine Quinn (Who is currently living with the housemate from hell)
Adam Hills (Who decided to set up 2 single people from the audience, giving them champagne and chocolates and singing them a lovely song entirely made up on the spot)
Birdman (The plastic bag juggling, chair balancing, crab walking stripper)
Very funny show.
1 comment:
Well sounds like you are settling in very well girls! I will totally give Amy some stink bombs so she can come in and claim her space! Blossom! One cannot take over the "whole" room when sharing, be nice! LOL!
Remember Big sister is watching you! She is a witch and "knows" what is going on! You look after those kids you here???? You are the "grown up" by yourself till Amy gets there! Then you can feel free to take turns! (Provided at least one of you is the grown up each day! OKay?)
Pssst Meagan ( You are really the grown up, you make sure that Blossom behaves herself! Okay?)
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