Ok... after a early night the night before... Melinda and I( hows that grammar karisma??) got up early and went for a walk to Bridge Road Richmond.. shopping again.. i know... and after walking for what seemed like forever we arrived...yay.. shopped... then headed home..
On the way home we were mesmerised by this Police lady who was directing traffic heading into a AFL Game.... And she was not taking any crap that these drivers were trying to give her.. and do not even consider trying to slip in the the lane... ohh no.. she was not taking it... and the more that everyone beeped and honked the more she seemed to get angry... We wanted to like run over and shake her hand!!!!!
Then we all decided to go and see Anyone for Tennis..(although the other three had aready seen it).. but it was not on due to some crazy rockk concert that was happening in AC/DC Lane ( i shit you not... this was the mane of the lane)... and as we walked looking for another show to see.. we realised that the ight cap was on so we thought we would give it another go.. since we thought we could help flyer!!! WRONG... all that happened was that Bec got "chewing gum" on her arse and asked Magesh to check if it was def there??? Which was then used in the hilarious show of theres.... no seriously it was even though we had alrready seen it... the more we drank and the more we heard the jokes for a second time.. the funnier it became.... then magesh used the chewy line and bec and i nearly fell off our chairs with laughter... the alcohol we had comsumed probably didnot help the situation......
After this we yet again headed to the Exford... Meagan piked it... so Melinda, bec and I went all by our lonesomes..
Melinda left not that long after we got there.. and bec and I left about halfa after that...
So we headed home.. having an uneventful night..........
Friday, April 24, 2009
Day 9
So...lets seee... what did we do today???
Ohhh yeah... Meagan had a MASSIVE hangover..(aww little meagan is all grown up)...I was feeling a bit seedy herself....as was bec... so we pretty much slept all day..While melinda went shopping all by her lonesome....
So Good news week was on... at 2pm AND 5pm.. thats right two shows.. cause you can never have enough Paul McDermott!!!!!! YUM YUM... the first one had Jason Byrne.. Reginald D Hunter..Cal Wilson.. and Arj Barker.... Jason Byrne totally stole the first show.. he was hilarious!!!!!! They show and hour on tv minus ads, but it went for like 2 and a half hours!!!! funny funny shit!!!
then on the second show was...Stephen K Amos, Mike Wilmont, Fiona O'Laughlin, Corrinne Grant....Ok so they did thins game where Mike and Stephen has to answer questions about each other... seems harmless.. but it turned into them ripping the shit out each other on topics which really had nothing to do with the questions that were being asked.... and was incredibly rude!!! None of which wil probably ever be seen on air... at least not at any early kind of time!!!!
Then we missioned it to Trades.... and went to watch Life on Mars... which was a tribute to David Bowie.. by heaps of well known musical comedians.... Althouh we were all a bit too tired for this so didnt make it to the very end...
We went home to sleep...
Thats was our very exciting Saturday!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!!!
Ohhh yeah... Meagan had a MASSIVE hangover..(aww little meagan is all grown up)...I was feeling a bit seedy herself....as was bec... so we pretty much slept all day..While melinda went shopping all by her lonesome....
So Good news week was on... at 2pm AND 5pm.. thats right two shows.. cause you can never have enough Paul McDermott!!!!!! YUM YUM... the first one had Jason Byrne.. Reginald D Hunter..Cal Wilson.. and Arj Barker.... Jason Byrne totally stole the first show.. he was hilarious!!!!!! They show and hour on tv minus ads, but it went for like 2 and a half hours!!!! funny funny shit!!!
then on the second show was...Stephen K Amos, Mike Wilmont, Fiona O'Laughlin, Corrinne Grant....Ok so they did thins game where Mike and Stephen has to answer questions about each other... seems harmless.. but it turned into them ripping the shit out each other on topics which really had nothing to do with the questions that were being asked.... and was incredibly rude!!! None of which wil probably ever be seen on air... at least not at any early kind of time!!!!
Then we missioned it to Trades.... and went to watch Life on Mars... which was a tribute to David Bowie.. by heaps of well known musical comedians.... Althouh we were all a bit too tired for this so didnt make it to the very end...
We went home to sleep...
Thats was our very exciting Saturday!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Day 8
Ok so friday...... so we really should remember to this every night cause I am struggling to recall what we did....... it seriously feels like we have been here forever!!!
Ok so.... i think we yet again started the day shopping...(what a surprise)... and after clothes shopping we actually decided that we should eat a decent meal so we went shopping at Safeway... not woolies!!! (apparently no one can tell me why its a different name)... We spent like 350 dollars on some meals and then the rest coonsisted of chocolates, sugar, chips, dips, and pretty much anything else that we thought we may consider eating one night..( word to the wise... dont go shopping when you are hungry.. especially when you are with three other girls!!!!!)
So when we got back to the room, i of course decided that after a long day it was time for a nanna nap!!!
awakening hours later to find that safeway had not dropped off our food yet!!! 10 mins later we got a phone call saying that the guy was down stairs... so after going down the stairs to the bottom floor... we realised that the lifts on our building were broken and we could not get our groceries back up.... we waited and waited... and after 30 mins of waiting and reception not doing anything.... the lifts decided to work long enough for us to get our stuff up and inside.... then of course we were faced with the dilema of what to eat first!!!!!!
So tonights entertainment consisted of Me and Melinda going to the comedy loounge in North Melbourne.. which was a very long walk especially when we did not know to where to go...thought we were doing the right thing by asking for directions sowe didnt just walk around the streets... but when some freaky guy was tryingis to give us a lift we ran towards the closest taxi we could find.... Comedy Lounge had... Fox Klien....(yum yum).. Corrine Grant.. (punch her in the vag) and someone else that was really funny but i cant remember his name...
After Melinda forced me to drink from 2pm I was enjoying the night even more!!! And afterwards continued onto the Exford... which has totally become our after hours hang out...
Bec and Meagan decided to give the night life a go, so met up with some "friends" and went clubbing.... Fun..... but didnt last for too long as we got a phonecall saying..where are yous?? we want to party!!! So of course they came and joined us kool kids at the Exford..
Melinda of course didnt last too much longer as the night club scene really isnt her thing... so went home and me, bec and Meagan stayed to party on.... and party we did!!!!
I showed those girls how to party Amy style...lots and lots of drinking, dancing, meeting new people.... funnily enough there was more guys than girls!!!!!! Lets not go into too much detail of the rest of the night... only to say that it was incredibly funny...especially when Melinda starting yelling at us for being too loud when we came home at 430am.... If only she realised at the time how funny she was... though at the same time i was incredibly scared that she was really going to come out and kick my arse!!!!
Oh just another day in the life of BAMM!!!!!
Ok so.... i think we yet again started the day shopping...(what a surprise)... and after clothes shopping we actually decided that we should eat a decent meal so we went shopping at Safeway... not woolies!!! (apparently no one can tell me why its a different name)... We spent like 350 dollars on some meals and then the rest coonsisted of chocolates, sugar, chips, dips, and pretty much anything else that we thought we may consider eating one night..( word to the wise... dont go shopping when you are hungry.. especially when you are with three other girls!!!!!)
So when we got back to the room, i of course decided that after a long day it was time for a nanna nap!!!
awakening hours later to find that safeway had not dropped off our food yet!!! 10 mins later we got a phone call saying that the guy was down stairs... so after going down the stairs to the bottom floor... we realised that the lifts on our building were broken and we could not get our groceries back up.... we waited and waited... and after 30 mins of waiting and reception not doing anything.... the lifts decided to work long enough for us to get our stuff up and inside.... then of course we were faced with the dilema of what to eat first!!!!!!
So tonights entertainment consisted of Me and Melinda going to the comedy loounge in North Melbourne.. which was a very long walk especially when we did not know to where to go...thought we were doing the right thing by asking for directions sowe didnt just walk around the streets... but when some freaky guy was tryingis to give us a lift we ran towards the closest taxi we could find.... Comedy Lounge had... Fox Klien....(yum yum).. Corrine Grant.. (punch her in the vag) and someone else that was really funny but i cant remember his name...
After Melinda forced me to drink from 2pm I was enjoying the night even more!!! And afterwards continued onto the Exford... which has totally become our after hours hang out...
Bec and Meagan decided to give the night life a go, so met up with some "friends" and went clubbing.... Fun..... but didnt last for too long as we got a phonecall saying..where are yous?? we want to party!!! So of course they came and joined us kool kids at the Exford..
Melinda of course didnt last too much longer as the night club scene really isnt her thing... so went home and me, bec and Meagan stayed to party on.... and party we did!!!!
I showed those girls how to party Amy style...lots and lots of drinking, dancing, meeting new people.... funnily enough there was more guys than girls!!!!!! Lets not go into too much detail of the rest of the night... only to say that it was incredibly funny...especially when Melinda starting yelling at us for being too loud when we came home at 430am.... If only she realised at the time how funny she was... though at the same time i was incredibly scared that she was really going to come out and kick my arse!!!!
Oh just another day in the life of BAMM!!!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day 7
Today I woke up the earliest out of everyone, so I then went on jumped on them all til they awoke so we could do something that we havent done yet.... SHOPPING!!!
yes, cause I am sure that we all definelty need more clothes... After walking to Southbank looking for shops we somehow just ended up eating in some fancy cafe that apparently had a refridgeration issue as none of our drinks were cold, but the food was great so we let it slip!!!
we walked past flinders station back towards the hotel..(after I stopped to take photos of the city from every different angle that I could find)..and went to Federation Square so I could get one of every single brochure that they had.. ( come you need to know all the options!!)..
We dropped Meagan off at home (cause she wimped out) and continued our shopping adventure..
We found the biggest SUPRE you have ever seen in your life... It was huge..picture all the ones in Newcastle then add another level!!!
Tried to buy grog but had an issue with a lady who wouldnt serve me as princess did not have her Id with her.... So we went to a diff shop who served me and didnt even ask for ID..you know cause I look so young and all...
We saw three shows ... Jeff Green... Funny F**cker!!! With a kool english accent!!!! Will Anderson... Who couldnt believe that werent more amazed by skpe ( what the??? )...and Ali McGregor's Late-Nite Variety... which had Asher Trevleaven's alter ego Saxon McCallister as her butler... "who is a strpping private dancer".. need we say more!!!! We were in the front row... got a view we will never forget... the special guests were.. Geraldine Quinn ( Hex and the City).. Die Roten Punkte..who were apparetnly a german rock band.. mmmm ok.. then Gypsy Wood who shocked the shit out of me... I cant even write what I saw...then Damien Callinan...
So, of course when we left me and princess were hungry.. (suprise suprise) so went walked home to start making 1am toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches!!! MMMMMMM.... Jealous Much..
Today I woke up the earliest out of everyone, so I then went on jumped on them all til they awoke so we could do something that we havent done yet.... SHOPPING!!!
yes, cause I am sure that we all definelty need more clothes... After walking to Southbank looking for shops we somehow just ended up eating in some fancy cafe that apparently had a refridgeration issue as none of our drinks were cold, but the food was great so we let it slip!!!
we walked past flinders station back towards the hotel..(after I stopped to take photos of the city from every different angle that I could find)..and went to Federation Square so I could get one of every single brochure that they had.. ( come you need to know all the options!!)..
We dropped Meagan off at home (cause she wimped out) and continued our shopping adventure..
We found the biggest SUPRE you have ever seen in your life... It was huge..picture all the ones in Newcastle then add another level!!!
Tried to buy grog but had an issue with a lady who wouldnt serve me as princess did not have her Id with her.... So we went to a diff shop who served me and didnt even ask for ID..you know cause I look so young and all...
We saw three shows ... Jeff Green... Funny F**cker!!! With a kool english accent!!!! Will Anderson... Who couldnt believe that werent more amazed by skpe ( what the??? )...and Ali McGregor's Late-Nite Variety... which had Asher Trevleaven's alter ego Saxon McCallister as her butler... "who is a strpping private dancer".. need we say more!!!! We were in the front row... got a view we will never forget... the special guests were.. Geraldine Quinn ( Hex and the City).. Die Roten Punkte..who were apparetnly a german rock band.. mmmm ok.. then Gypsy Wood who shocked the shit out of me... I cant even write what I saw...then Damien Callinan...
So, of course when we left me and princess were hungry.. (suprise suprise) so went walked home to start making 1am toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches!!! MMMMMMM.... Jealous Much..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 6
Jaymie offered to pick Amy up from the Airport so she wouldn't have to catch a cab, which meant i got to meet her there and jump on her!! (Which I did).
It was all so very exciting. We came home and had some lunch and a nap and then we went out for dinner.(mmm food)
First show of the evening was The Axis of Awesome Vs The Bee. It was a "Comedy Rock Show". It was quite funny. And has us all singing "I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm a BIRDPLANE! A MOTHERF*#ING BIRDPLAANE!!"
I bought Darren an Axis of Awesome showbag. Its awesome.
Second show of the evening was Asher Treleaven - Open Door. Very, very funny man. He dances, he smashes pinatas, he sticks forks up his nose AND he downs Vodka Cruisers and then throws up!
Third and final show of the evening was Jaymie's show, The Night Cap, also featuring Mikey and Magesh (Whom Amy and Bec are fighting over coz he's a hottie).
We were on our way there when we were approached by Magesh who was trying to convince us to come see his show and said we could get in for free. We said 'Thanks! We were coming anyway! And we were gonna pay but since you offered..." He was like "DAMMIT!" hehehe
So we got in for free. It was very funny and entertaining. Afterwards we headed off to the Exford with Jaymie and Mikey (and some other guy). We hung around there for a bit til Amy and princess decided they wanted Hungry Jacks and we left.
"Interesting fact: Mikey is a Sydney comic just in Melbourne for the festival. Mikey is sharing a room with Daniel Townes (Mentioned in an earlier post"). So the latter part of the night was spent with Bec trying to think of ways to get Mikey to introduce her to Daniel. See i would have thought she just could have said "Hey Mikey, can you introduce me to Daniel?" But apparently thats too hard....
Jaymie offered to pick Amy up from the Airport so she wouldn't have to catch a cab, which meant i got to meet her there and jump on her!! (Which I did).
It was all so very exciting. We came home and had some lunch and a nap and then we went out for dinner.(mmm food)
First show of the evening was The Axis of Awesome Vs The Bee. It was a "Comedy Rock Show". It was quite funny. And has us all singing "I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm a BIRDPLANE! A MOTHERF*#ING BIRDPLAANE!!"
I bought Darren an Axis of Awesome showbag. Its awesome.
Second show of the evening was Asher Treleaven - Open Door. Very, very funny man. He dances, he smashes pinatas, he sticks forks up his nose AND he downs Vodka Cruisers and then throws up!
Third and final show of the evening was Jaymie's show, The Night Cap, also featuring Mikey and Magesh (Whom Amy and Bec are fighting over coz he's a hottie).
We were on our way there when we were approached by Magesh who was trying to convince us to come see his show and said we could get in for free. We said 'Thanks! We were coming anyway! And we were gonna pay but since you offered..." He was like "DAMMIT!" hehehe
So we got in for free. It was very funny and entertaining. Afterwards we headed off to the Exford with Jaymie and Mikey (and some other guy). We hung around there for a bit til Amy and princess decided they wanted Hungry Jacks and we left.
"Interesting fact: Mikey is a Sydney comic just in Melbourne for the festival. Mikey is sharing a room with Daniel Townes (Mentioned in an earlier post"). So the latter part of the night was spent with Bec trying to think of ways to get Mikey to introduce her to Daniel. See i would have thought she just could have said "Hey Mikey, can you introduce me to Daniel?" But apparently thats too hard....
Day 5
Today we slept in. Again.
Then we went shopping. Again
We saw Tim Minchins show tonight. T'was Awesome. He had us all singing "I love Jesus"...which then warped into something completely different.
And then we went and saw Anyone For Tennis?. Best show ever! It was hilarious from start to finish and we are now all walking around singing. "I knew it. She knew it. We both knew! I
was trying to be OW!! FLIRTY!"
Bec got picked on in this show. She got asked by Doody what she thought of Jase (The guy from last night that she has the hots for), and all she could do was giggle and hide her head in her lap. Which of course made him pick on her more!!
Then we went shopping. Again
We saw Tim Minchins show tonight. T'was Awesome. He had us all singing "I love Jesus"...which then warped into something completely different.
And then we went and saw Anyone For Tennis?. Best show ever! It was hilarious from start to finish and we are now all walking around singing. "I knew it. She knew it. We both knew! I
was trying to be OW!! FLIRTY!"
Bec got picked on in this show. She got asked by Doody what she thought of Jase (The guy from last night that she has the hots for), and all she could do was giggle and hide her head in her lap. Which of course made him pick on her more!!
Monday, April 13, 2009

Meagan trying to look sober at The Exford

Meagan waking up at the Exford

Meagan sleeping at The Exford

Mirror photo!!

Another mirror photo

First night


Mmmm...watered down cola

The Comedy Theatre

The stolen goods

The empty space where the good were stolen from..

Princess Shrumpy

At dinner on Southbank

At dinner again....AFTER quite a bit of wine


At dinner again

Can anyone say "Melinda's got a fat head"?

Princess at Crown Casino

Nom nom nom


OoOoooh lovers....

Meagans normal face...

Bathroom shot!



The brushing of the hair...

The girlses

First night waiting in line
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